cancer man

they tell me taurus is an earth sign & it’s true i prefer to look at the ocean

from a distance. but i’m always dreaming of being submerged in some element

unrelated to mine. interested in the body of something alien, wanting to

scalpel my comfort away, tempted to treat you like the atlantic: solid and

taken for granted. you are a water sign.

on days we storm, i feel the lostness of a trawler under a 12-footer.

but it is peaceful under the surface. enough of the water analogies.

i think the sea is staring at me.

Naomi Morris (aka OCD witchpoet) is a Goldsmiths’ grad and writer currently based in Glasgow. She recently won the Hollingworth Prize (I proud cried) which will see her debut pamphlet landing soon via Sine Wave Peak. Her past selves include but are not limited to, the following: editor in chief of 50GS, poetry editor and co-founder of Goldsmiths’ Creative Writing Society and Rookie contributor. Naomi is my favorite poet, and I wouldn’t be one without her always jumping into a Google Doc with me. Find her recent work at Gutter, Adjacent Pineapple, or in my hands.

Twitter: @ncmmorris

Instagram: @naomichomsky