Sun shines
Sun shines over the rails.
Brighter than you know. There are no reasons for it. You go to sleep at midday. Again. I take the couch this time. A single week after 9 months it is silence that we give birth to.
Whatever happens, I think of an oasis, of being illiterate, of shadows. Of coasts where the sun shines over the rails. Brighter than you know. Snips of colors.
Breaking through, piercing me, you.
And you are the only ‘you’ that will never leave. Fiction. The one who’s on paper. Mentioned here and there.
You are dream material.
If what I am is what I have (habere)
The more I possess, the more Things invade my land.
Defne is a 1 st year on the BA Fine Art and History of Art course. She spends her time trying to write and make/sculpt things that trouble the notion of inhabitance. She wishes she was an active Instagram user with an impressive profile showing her works but that is not really the case.