Look at the Earth / Look at the Moon

Look at the Earth

Art work by my brother, Noah Chapman. Instagram - @noah_chapman15

Look at the Moon

By Louis Chapman

The main idea behind my work is to contemplate the fact that one day we will no longer be here. Thought surrounding our mortality is uncomfortable and frightening for many people, but through my music and through this short script I wish to explore death as something freeing. As a way of liberating the soul from worry and stress. Growing up, when something bad would happen to me, my mum would always say, ‘at least you’re not dead.’ It is this mantra that has seen me through most of my life, because no matter how awkward an interaction has been, how badly I feel I’ve hurt someone, or how late I’ve been to something, the truth is at least I’m not dead.

Louis Chapman is a 22-year-old singer and writer from the deep, deep, south (Cornwall). He enjoys writing and producing his own music as well as writing script pieces and short stories. He is currently in his third year at Goldsmiths studying English and Media, and he also devotes some of his time editing the GoldDust online magazine. One day he hopes to be dragged on twitter by Azalea Banks.

Instagram - @louischapmann