
by Isabella Valencia Zapata

I had this phone call with mum around January. At that point of despair, thanks to the uncertainty of not having a place to live next, I felt that those objects that adorned each of the many rooms I’ve lived in seemed so alien, and they could also feel my fears.

I decided to visually portray those moments of anguish to let my mum and myself know, that at the end of all of everything, I’ll be fine.

Isabella is a BA Media and English first year student, and a poet and filmmaker in process. She produces emotional film pieces from literature’s organic perspective, combining her own poetry with film visuals. Casual conversations, reflections on the human sense, the dynamic of love, the homeland, and her own poems are her main approaches.

Instagram profile: @iss_val

Editors notes - Isabel Judd and Louis Chapman

‘Casas’ (‘houses’ in Spanish) is a short film about a young student who finds herself in a vulnerable situation away from home. She is on call to her mum in a dimly lit room where shadows are cast by a flickering candle. The conversation depicts her emotional desperation, conveying a deeply heart wrenching message, relatable to those who have struggled with the notion of ‘home’.

Isabella Valencia Zapata presents a beautiful one minute movie, that places you in the middle of a ruthless circumstance.

Autumn 2023GoldDust Editors